The Golden Gate bridge is back there in the mist, somewhere

Other stuff

This section of the website is intended to showcase things that I've found and enjoyed, although it's a bit thin at present. Remember when most websites were Under Construction? It's like that.

I gave up watching broadcast television in the early 2000's but still enjoy films & programs on the small screen, mostly through DVD and BluRay. I've put together a list of some of my favourite films and TV shows.

In 2021 a local company set up a 'community trail' of tiny doors, hidden in the nooks & crannies of Bradford on Avon, my home town. I found the first one by accident and then spent a delightful few days exploring these hidden doors.

On a visit to Madeira I discovered the delightfully decorated doorways of Funchal's Old Town.

Back in 2000, as part of the Aberdeen Alternative Festival, I attended a short course on performing stand-up comedy. Little did I realise that this was to be filmed as part of a BBC documentary. My contributions are presented here.

I've been a fan of anime (Japanese animated films) for quite a while now. Click on the Anime link to see my reviews and recommendations.