Eleno Mome


A dance found across the Balkans.


The music is in 7/8 time, which is counted 2-2-3. The dance steps are divided 2-2-1-2 but it feels like slow, slow, quick, quick with a little pause after the last quick step.


Start in a circle, arms in a V hold, facing centre

Step to the side with the right, cross in front with the left, step to the side with the right, cross behind with the left.

Bounce on the right while raising the left behind (just bend the knee), bounce again on the right while lifting the left in front, step with the left beside the right, then replace the right.

Bounce on the left while raising the right behind, bounce again on the left while lifting the right in front, step to the side with the right, then cross behind with the left.


Eleno Mome from Macedonian Folk Music by Tsrvena Kniga.

Lena moma from Balkan Brass Music by Xpisodaktila Orxhstra.

Dance description by Andy Bettis - September 2007